Nigg Cromarty

Arch Henderson provided full design services to the contractor, McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd, for this Design and Construct project.

In 2014, Global Energy Nigg Limited awarded McLaughlin & Harvey the contract to design and construct the new marine facilities on Nigg Energy Park for the upgrade and repair of FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading Facility) vessels and for the load-out of elements required for energy production in the marine environment. The Nigg South Quay Development forms part of the Nigg Energy Park and is located on the north shore at the entrance to the Cromarty Firth, on the Eastern edge of Nigg Bay. Arch Henderson was contracted to provide design services.

Works included, reconstruction of approximately 1km of combi-pile quay wall with a 370m long main quay wall, 260m long solid finger quay and dredging of 8,000 m2 which was used in land reclamation at the adjacent Invergordon service base project. We provided full engineering design of the new facility; in-house engineering divers and site assistance; specification of materials and workmanship; review of sub-consultant designs; review of all testing, and obtained the Marine Licence.

The adoption of Arch Henderson’s proposal for installation of a flexible paving solution and use of an innovative restraint system allowed for savings to be realised within this contract, along with savings in respect to future maintenance which would have been associated with a rigid paving system.

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